10dp5dt – Beta #1

I had blood work early this morning.  My RE called me this afternoon to let me know I was pregnant and that if things keep progressing the way they are Coen will have a sibling soon.  My beta level level was 228! I go back on Saturday for another blood draw and hopefully my numbers are doubled. I forgot how nice it is to find out early but also how stressful it can be to worry about if everything is alright and counting down the days until you’re out of that danger zone. FRERs are still getting darker. Here are today’s and yesterday’s tests.


9dp5dt, Beta tomorrow and……

I did test on our anniversary at 5dp5dpt and much to my surprise and excitement I saw a very faint line!!!  Beta is tomorrow and tests have been getting darker.  I am in shock!  Tests are from Monday and Tuesday.  Eeek



4dp5dt ~ Deja Vu

FET #1 for Baby #2


Transfer went so smoothly on Monday.  We transferred one Grade A blast.  In the past with my retroverted cervix it has been painful and the Dr always struggles with getting the placement right.  The only time that it went this smoothly was when it actually worked…….but think pregnancy just changed things a bit and made it a little easier.  I am not stupid.  I have been in this position too many times.  I can’t compare this time to any other one.  I have cycles I was positive I was pregnant that I wasn’t and the one that worked that felt like other failed cycles.  I took the day of transfer off but decided to go back to work the day after.  I kind of wish I didn’t because that day ended up to be quite stressful.  My boss gave her notice which leaves me with one new guy that has been there a month and one other that was leaving two days after my boss and one person who hasn’t started yet.  The good thing is it will be an opportunity for me to grow before they decide what to do with the position.  I also have not been following orders as far as not lifting heavy items…Coen is almost 30lbs so there really is nothing I can do!

As far as symptoms, I have felt the normal progesterone ones…..on and off cramps, backache and random twinge or pulling feeling, sore boobs etc.  I have had these for negative cycles so I try not to obsess about them.  (haha! That’s a joke)  I did have a sharp pain or two in my uterus one night that woke me but that could have been anything.  The past day or two I haven’t felt much.  So now the question is when to test.  Tomorrow at 5dp5dt is when I got a positive with Coen and it is also our 4 year anniversary.  I don’t know if I should skip or test and know it is still early.  When you are a POAS addict it is really hard to wait…..

Coen: 17 Month Update

DSC_0733Coen’s 17 month Update

We had a rough week mid month where Coen had a bad respiratory cold.  Luckily my mom had the week off and was able to watch him.  He is very active now and keeps us on our toes.  He is definitely in need of a haircut soon.  What do you think?

Height:  31ish inches

Weight:  Almost 28lbs


New This Month:

  •  Molar that broke through
  • Saying Hi when he puts cell phone to ear
  • Saying ” I you” aka I love you
  • Jogging
  • Grabbing his things that we ask for like “Where’s your Brown Bear book?”
  • Being chased up and down the hallway again and again and again….

Likes:  Sitting quietly and “reading”, being read to, eating whatever we are eating, hanging out on the couch, Curious George books and cartoon, cuddling with his big brother Duncan


Dislikes: Not getting enough attention, being off his schedule, not getting his way, too long in his car seat, being sick, green beans but I give them to him anyway!


Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and as of last Sunday now down to one nap at about 12:30/1.  His nap tends to be 2 hours.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  I just used the last bag of breast milk this week.  He still loves avocados, blueberries, cheese and yogurt.

Clothes:  18 Month pants and 24 month shirts.  Sleeves are a bit too long but 18 months don’t cover the belly!


Lining Check and Transfer on Monday

FET #1 for Baby #2

I had my first lining check last Wednesday but it was a no go.  My lining was only 6.3mm and at best it needs to be at least 8 before they schedule the transfer.  I was bumped up from 2mg Estrace twice a day to 2mg three times a day.  I had a second lining check on Monday and my lining was 8.6 but due to scheduling they had me come in one more time this past Wednesday.  My lining at that point was 8.8mm.  We started PIO shots Wednesday night and we have transfer this Monday at 10:30am!  I am excited/nervous for the transfer.  It has been over two years since our last transfer for Coen.  I don’t want to feel the heartache of a failed cycle but I also know that it took a lot last time.  I am not expecting it to work the first time or the second.  I am going into it with the knowledge that it worked once before and there is no reason it could not happen again.  We are also only transferring one blast which might decrease our chances a bit.

Coen: 16 Month Update


Coen’s 16 month Update

Height:  30.5 inches

Weight:  Almost 27lbs

New This Month:

  •  Crawling up the stairs
  • 2 New Teeth
  • Sitting quietly and “reading”
  • Continuously handing us his books to read to him

Likes:  Chocolate brownie cookie that daddy gave him a piece of, being chased, the snow, our dog Duncan, reading or being read to, Curious George, jumping in my closet and hiding, getting into the cabinets

Dislikes: Being overtired, being told “No”, not getting enough attention, being off his schedule, not getting his way, being in high chair too long




Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and still napping at about 9:30/10 and 2:30/3.  A few times during the week he will skip a nap usually his second.  I just don’t feel he is quite ready to drop to one nap yet because when he skips his morning nap he is super tired.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  We are offering milk in the morning, at some of his meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.  We are still using up the frozen breast milk along with regular cow’s milk.  He has a wide variety of food and his favorites are still blueberries and avocados.

Clothes:  18 Month clothes are getting  very tight and most of his bodysuits have shrunk so much he looks like he is wearing a v neck.  I have been meaning to go out and buy some shirts in 24 month or 2T.  He still has little feet and is in size 5 shoes.


Cleared for FET

FET #4 Update

I didn’t think I would be writing this but I have been cleared to start a frozen embryo cycle!  I honestly thought we may not even get the chance to try for #2.  Why is it we always think the worst case scenario?  It looks like all is good with my liver from a biopsy point.  My gastro will be monitoring my liver levels during the cycle just in case.  I am also waiting to hear on the genetic test for Celiac disease.  I started Estrace Friday night and return for an ultrasound on March 3rd.  Depending on my lining, we will most likely be transferring the week of March 8th with a beta right before our 4th anniversary.

Valentine’s Weekend

The hubby and I don’t celebrate Valentine’ Day but we did spend the night away for a wedding 2 hours north.  It was only the second time we have left Coen overnight but it was good to get away especially after the biopsy and stress I had been dealing with.  I did indulge in a few cocktails and it was probably the first time I have had over two drinks in about two years.  It would have been relaxing if we didn’t hit a storm both ways there and back.  A little pic from the day.


1 Step forward 2 steps back

FET #4 Update

Life has been busy and a lot has happened in regards to starting our journey for #2.  In January, I finally got my period after 30 days of estrace and 10 days of provera.  It was just a reminder how much I dislike being on hormones but as always it’s just another thing you just have to deal with.  Over a week ago I got my meds and the FET was approved.  All I had to do is stop the BCPs and wait for AF to start the Estrace but now we (I) have another barrier……. Since I had Coen I have been dealing with some stomach issues.  I have always had digestive problems all my life but this was different.  I thought it was my gallbladder and had an ultrasound a few months ago to find out I just had some “sludge” or debri in my gall bladder.  It could be causing my problems but I figured I would deal with it as it was not necessary to have my gall bladder removed.  After a few weeks of more stomach issues, sleepless nights in pain and beginning to fear food I finally saw the Dr.   Long story short I also have elevated liver enzymes and have tested positive to having some autoimmune antibodies (Antinuclear Antibodies) in blood.  The two may or not be related but I have to go for a liver biopsy Thursday.

The FET is postponed until after the biopsy.  It wasn’t until I started typing this post a few days ago that I started to put two and two together.  I googled ANA positive and failed IVFs and found a ton of info.  This made me nauseous.  I am starting to wonder if this was my problem all along and the reason for failed implantation?  Oddly enough the time that actually took I did take Claritin and Benadryl which I had seen was an autoimmune protocol that some other women had done.  I figured it was worth a try.  I am not sure if this helped or it was just a coincidence.  All I know is I have one beautiful little miracle.   The problem is my heart selfishly aches for another and I am not so sure it is in the cards for us now depending on my diagnosis.  Even if things look good I wonder if I will continue to have failed cycles.  I am not ready to give up yet and until we figure out what is wrong I am trying to have faith.  We are already so blessed with one perfect little man.


Coen: 15 Month Update

A super late update as Coen will be 16 months next week!  I have also been bad with taking pictures hence the not-so-great pics.

Coen’s 15 month Update

Little guy is now walking full time.  Over the past month he has enjoyed his second Christmas and spending time with family and friends.

Height:  30.5 inches

Weight:  a little over 26lbs


New This Month:

  • No new teeth but seems like he is working on getting some
  • Says “ACHOO”  when we ask “what does Sneezy say?”


Likes: Eating! Walking, talking, playing and terrorizing the dog, giving hugs, stacking, playing with blocks,

Dislikes: Car rides, diaper/outfit changes by Mommy, being tired



Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and still napping at about 9:30/10 and 2:30/3.  A few times during the week he will skip a nap usually his second.  I just don’t feel he is quite ready to drop to one nap yet.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  We are offering milk in the morning, at some of his meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.  We are still using up the frozen breast milk along with regular cow’s milk.  He has a wide variety of food and his favorites are still blueberries and avocados.

Clothes:  18-24 Month clothes, size 5 shoes


Coen: 14 Month Update

Coen’s 14 month Update

Little guy has really taken off with walking this month.  He is definitely crawling more than walking still but he is so proud of himself when he walks.  He is smiling from ear to ear!  He does the little Frankenstein walk with his hands out.  I would say he is about 50/50 with walking/crawling and every day he does more and more.

Height:  30ish inches

Weight:  25ish lbs

New This Month:

  • Walking – a lot!
  • Stacking and playing with blocks
  • Climbing – he tries to get onto everything
  • Stranger Danger- he has started to become scared of new people and places.
  • Saying Ma!

Likes: Walking, talking, throwing food on the floor, having tantrums, giving hugs, stacking, playing with blocks, playing “Where’s Coen?”  this is where he hides behind me aka peekaboo.

Dislikes: Car rides, diaper/outfit changes, food that he normally liked.


Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and taking two naps a day at daycare and occasionally two with us.  He will skip either his first or second nap when he is with us but I don’t feel he is ready to drop to one nap yet.  He is napping about 9:30 and 2:30/3.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  We are offering milk in the morning, at meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.  I am using up the last of the frozen breast milk.  He has a wide variety of food and his favorites are still blueberries and avocados.


Clothes:  He is still in 18 Month clothing but I will probably break out the 24 month stuff.  His legs are still 12 or 18 month in length but his torso fits better in 18 or 24 months.  We have the hardest time getting sleepers over his thighs!  He still wears mostly bodysuits since he is still crawling a lot.  We are also having the hardest time finding shoes because his feet are short and fat.  We have some size 5 wides but the are too big in length so it is difficult for him to walk.
