Alana: 3 Month Update


I’m really late on this one.  Alana will be four months in a week!

Alana: 3 Month Update

This month consisted of lot’s more smiles, night wakings and me going back to work!

DSC_0168Height: Not sure.  I did not measure her!.

Weight: I’m not positive but I would bet around from 13.5 -14 pounds

Likes: She loves smiling, sucking on her hands and having us make funny noises.

Dislikes: She’s not a huge fan of car rides or being overtired.  Naps are still up there on her dislikes. She fights almost EVERY SINGLE NAP.

Firsts: First time away from Mommy for a full day and first time home with Daddy for a full day.  We had a few date nights and had a my mom, sister or sister in law watch her for a few hours.



Sleep:  We had a few sleep through the nights…like after her shots but that’s about it.  She seems to sleep worse now then she did her during her second month!  She is up anywhere from 1-3 times a night!  She is now full time in the Rock -n-Play for naps and night sleep.  She naps anywhere from 3-5 times a day. Typically is ready to go down by 7:3opm and we wake her at 6:15am.


Eating: She is still eating at about every 2-3 hours.  She got much better at the bottle the closer she got to me going back to work. She drinks about 3.5-4 oz bottles while I am away.

Diapers:  We have moved on to size twos and but totally lost count! I would say we went through around 150.  We are using size 3s for nights.

Clothes:  She is in 3-6 month clothes and I had to go out to buy some long sleeved onesies. All we had was lot’s of short sleeved ones.

Alana: Two Month Update


Alana Update

Little lady is now two months old!  She is such a cutie and is really smiling a lot now.  There was a lot of improvement on the nighttime sleep this past month.  Naps on the other hand went down hill between 6-8 weeks.   Those two weeks were extremely trying as Alana was super fussy.  I remember Coen went through this and I think it was a mix between a wonder week and growth spurt.

Height:  22 3/4 inches

Weight: 13 lbs!

Likes: Singing, baths, talking, eating, cuddling and fighting naps!

Dislikes: Naps!  Being overtired and her car seat….

Firsts: Smile!!!


Nighttime:  Nights have significantly improved…..  We went from 1-2 wakings a night that she was up 1-2 hours to only one waking and she falls back to sleep much easier.  She is sleeping roughly from 9/10-3/3:30 and then once I feed her she sleeps until 6:30 when I wake her.  Over the next few weeks I am going to have to adjust this to 6am so I can get her ready for me to leave for work.



Naps were tough this month.  If she is not in a room that is dark with a sound machine she tends to stay up.  She occasionally falls asleep in the swing.  She takes anywhere from 4-6 naps ranging from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.  My attempt to get her on a schedule was an epic fail so I think I have given up.  I remember this happening with Coen and he fell into his own schedule around 4 months.

Eating:  Most of this month Alana was eating every 2 hours with an occasional 3 hours in between feedings.  Toward the end of the month it seems like we are getting more 3 hour intervals.  We still cluster feed at night and these are usually 4:30, 6:30 and then her last feeding is around 8:15.  She has a witching hour most nights between 7-8 so some nights I do feed her earlier.  This feeding may change if I start to put her down earlier.

Diapers:  We are using up the last of size 1’s and are moving on to size 2.  We use size 2 already at night because I usual don’t change her.  We went through 180 diapers this month.  I am using a lot less diapers with her than I did with Coen.  Second baby maybe?

Clothes:  She is still fitting in size 3 month clothes but I think she will be moving onto 6 month clothes fairly soon.  Most of our clothes are hand me downs so the onesies are pretty well shrunken.



Alana: One Month Update


Just like with Coen the first month has flown by like whirlwind.  The days and weeks have been going by so quickly.

Alana has already changed a lot over the past month.  She had a full head of hair but is getting the male pattern baldness look just like Coen did!  She is much more wakeful and coherent than those first few weeks.  She seems to have the same temperament as Coen at this point but I am sure she will start to show her true self over the next few months.  She is a little needier and her nighttime sleep is not as easy.  She has also been growing just as quickly as Coen and at 4 weeks she has put on some inches and lbs.

Height: 21.5 inches

Weight: 10 lbs 3.5 oz

Likes: Snuggling, baths, getting padded on the bum, staring into our eyes, bright lights, the Ergo and eating!

Dislikes: Touching her stomach, tummy time, settling after night feeds.

Firsts: Breath, Bath, Christmas, New Years

DSC_0040 (2)

Sleep:   Alana had a very sleepy first few weeks and naps and nighttime sleep all blended into one.  At about 3 weeks she became much more wakeful and spent a lot of time just looking around.  She seems to have the day/night confusion like a lot of newborns have.  There were many nights she was waking to feed and it took almost 2 hours for her to settle and fall back asleep.  She has been waking about 2 times a night for most of the nights but there have been a few days she has only waken once a night.  She is a very noisy sleeper and definitely wakes me with her squawks and cries throughout the night.  We have gotten into a not so good habit of having her sleep in the swing the first part of the night.  She gives a good 4 (occasionally 5) hours if she does.  The rest of the night she spends in the rock and play and wakes after 2-3 hours.  When Coen was born I remember the pediatrician telling us just do what you have to do to make it through the first 3 months.  I am a little nervous about breaking her of the nighttime swing habit and will probably see how month 2 goes before trying anything to drastic.  I am not going to lie this first month was tough on the sleep front.  I could be up anywhere from 2-4 hours in the middle of the night with her and then up early because of a 2 year old who decided to start waking an hour earlier than normal caused some tough days.  We are doing the same routine where I feed her between 7:30-8:30 pm and then go right to bed.  My husband stays up with her for a bit to get her to sleep or to keep an eye on her if she decides to wake early.   This works great because I get a good solid 3-4 hour stretch without worrying if she is crying or that she will not go down when I am ready for bed.

Eating: Breastfeeding is going well. Alana latched on right away but we did have some troubles with my left breast.  She struggled with latching on after the first week because I became so engorged.  She would start nursing then fall off and cry.  I think this caused some of the nighttime disruption because she would get worked up.  I also got a lovely case of mastitis right before Christmas which was a lot of fun!  She nurses about 10-12 times a day with an average of 7 minutes a side most days.  She eats every 2-3 hours during the day.

We introduced a bottle once this month and she did great with no issues.  I have to get her used to them for when I go back to work so it’s just finding a time to give it.  I am currently pumping once in the morning to start my freezer stash again.


Diapers: We went through approximately 253 diapers this month. This number is a lot less than Coen’s was in the first month but probably because we don’t change her as much!  She is in size one still and I didn’t bother with newborn ones this time.

Clothes:  I put away her newborn clothes last week and she is now in 0-3 or 3 month clothes.  She has the same body type as Coen with little arms and legs but a big waist so some are a bit too long.  I keep her in sleepers most days because it’s just way easier.


Big Brother Update:  

Coen had a rough time when we first brought Alana home.  Before she was even born, he started skipping his nap out of the blue and became super fussy and was acting out. He stayed with my mom and my mother in law while we were in the hospital which threw him off and then we had all the holiday craziness which led to a pretty cranky toddler who was off his routine.  Luckily he now seems to adapted pretty well.  He tries to give her the pacifier, always looks for her in her swing or on the play mat if she is still sleeping.  Just recently he wanted to hold her in his lap but he will not hold her in his arms despite me asking.  He always points to her when we ask where his sister is and seems to already genuinely care about her.


Meet Alana Rose!

She’s here!   Well she will be 4 weeks tomorrow so this post is a little late but she has been keeping us busy.  Alana arrived at 1:34pm on December 10th and was just a tad bigger than her brother at 7lb 9oz and 19.5 inches.  She is absolutely perfect and looks so much like Coen as a newborn.

I did hope to have a VBAC but things did not go my way.  This pregnancy was a lot longer than Coen’s and at 41 weeks and 1 day it was decided that a C section would be my best option.  Although I was devastated with the news, things were different with this section.  I knew what to expect and it wasn’t at nearly midnight when I was completely exhausted.  I was the first one to hold her and she was placed on my chest as soon as she was pulled out and she remained there while I was “put” back together.  That experience made it feel less like an operation and more like a childbirth. The other unique thing was Coen was born 8 days early on 10/12 and Alana was 8 days late born on 12/10 so it just feels like it was meant to be.

I plan on posting her monthly updates as well as my postpartum ones just like I did for Coen.









10dp5dt – Beta #1

I had blood work early this morning.  My RE called me this afternoon to let me know I was pregnant and that if things keep progressing the way they are Coen will have a sibling soon.  My beta level level was 228! I go back on Saturday for another blood draw and hopefully my numbers are doubled. I forgot how nice it is to find out early but also how stressful it can be to worry about if everything is alright and counting down the days until you’re out of that danger zone. FRERs are still getting darker. Here are today’s and yesterday’s tests.


9dp5dt, Beta tomorrow and……

I did test on our anniversary at 5dp5dpt and much to my surprise and excitement I saw a very faint line!!!  Beta is tomorrow and tests have been getting darker.  I am in shock!  Tests are from Monday and Tuesday.  Eeek



4dp5dt ~ Deja Vu

FET #1 for Baby #2


Transfer went so smoothly on Monday.  We transferred one Grade A blast.  In the past with my retroverted cervix it has been painful and the Dr always struggles with getting the placement right.  The only time that it went this smoothly was when it actually worked…….but think pregnancy just changed things a bit and made it a little easier.  I am not stupid.  I have been in this position too many times.  I can’t compare this time to any other one.  I have cycles I was positive I was pregnant that I wasn’t and the one that worked that felt like other failed cycles.  I took the day of transfer off but decided to go back to work the day after.  I kind of wish I didn’t because that day ended up to be quite stressful.  My boss gave her notice which leaves me with one new guy that has been there a month and one other that was leaving two days after my boss and one person who hasn’t started yet.  The good thing is it will be an opportunity for me to grow before they decide what to do with the position.  I also have not been following orders as far as not lifting heavy items…Coen is almost 30lbs so there really is nothing I can do!

As far as symptoms, I have felt the normal progesterone ones…..on and off cramps, backache and random twinge or pulling feeling, sore boobs etc.  I have had these for negative cycles so I try not to obsess about them.  (haha! That’s a joke)  I did have a sharp pain or two in my uterus one night that woke me but that could have been anything.  The past day or two I haven’t felt much.  So now the question is when to test.  Tomorrow at 5dp5dt is when I got a positive with Coen and it is also our 4 year anniversary.  I don’t know if I should skip or test and know it is still early.  When you are a POAS addict it is really hard to wait…..

Lining Check and Transfer on Monday

FET #1 for Baby #2

I had my first lining check last Wednesday but it was a no go.  My lining was only 6.3mm and at best it needs to be at least 8 before they schedule the transfer.  I was bumped up from 2mg Estrace twice a day to 2mg three times a day.  I had a second lining check on Monday and my lining was 8.6 but due to scheduling they had me come in one more time this past Wednesday.  My lining at that point was 8.8mm.  We started PIO shots Wednesday night and we have transfer this Monday at 10:30am!  I am excited/nervous for the transfer.  It has been over two years since our last transfer for Coen.  I don’t want to feel the heartache of a failed cycle but I also know that it took a lot last time.  I am not expecting it to work the first time or the second.  I am going into it with the knowledge that it worked once before and there is no reason it could not happen again.  We are also only transferring one blast which might decrease our chances a bit.

Cleared for FET

FET #4 Update

I didn’t think I would be writing this but I have been cleared to start a frozen embryo cycle!  I honestly thought we may not even get the chance to try for #2.  Why is it we always think the worst case scenario?  It looks like all is good with my liver from a biopsy point.  My gastro will be monitoring my liver levels during the cycle just in case.  I am also waiting to hear on the genetic test for Celiac disease.  I started Estrace Friday night and return for an ultrasound on March 3rd.  Depending on my lining, we will most likely be transferring the week of March 8th with a beta right before our 4th anniversary.

Valentine’s Weekend

The hubby and I don’t celebrate Valentine’ Day but we did spend the night away for a wedding 2 hours north.  It was only the second time we have left Coen overnight but it was good to get away especially after the biopsy and stress I had been dealing with.  I did indulge in a few cocktails and it was probably the first time I have had over two drinks in about two years.  It would have been relaxing if we didn’t hit a storm both ways there and back.  A little pic from the day.


No Period and More Pills

FET #4

Ever have one of those days you just feel like no matter what you do things just go wrong?  Today is one of those days.  I didn’t sleep well and came into work having to deal with chaos.  I  just got off the phone with the clinic and I am starting to feel like we may never start FET #4.  My body is not cooperating and I am beginning to be come frustrated.  So far 7 days of Provera and nothing and  then 10 days of Estrace plus 5 days of Provera with only spotting.  Now I have to go on 30 fregin days of Estrace with the dose doubled and 10 days on Provera all just to get a period so I can do the basic testing.  The worst part is the nurse saying she wasn’t sure why they even had me do only ten days of Estrace because that never works.  Argh. It was just more time wasted. I never thought it would be this difficult or that my body wouldn’t get back to normal on it’s own.  Why did I even stop breastfeeding at a year?  Part of me just wants to quit before we even start BUT if I quit when it got hard I wouldn’t be seeing that cute little face every morning.  So back on the fat pills starting tomorrow.  Unless I change my mind……

Enough of my rant and the poor me because there are so many out there without even one child.  I just need to learn to enjoy this journey as much as I can.  We had a few pics taken last week for our Christmas cards this year… are a few that we have on it!


Platt Family-18-1


Platt Family-11