Coen: 18 Month Update

DSC_0766 Coen’s 18 month Update

We had a rough few weeks after dropping to one nap and decided he wasn’t ready.  He would cry constantly as soon as I picked him up from daycare.  I am not sure if it was the teething or the change of the schedule but after two weeks we went back to two naps.  He is still our little goofball making us laugh with the silly things he does.

Height:  32ish inches

Weight: 28ish lbs

New This Month:

  •  Another molar has broke through
  • Waving goodbye
  • Pointing at everything saying “what’s that?”
  • First Haircut!


Likes:  Sitting quietly and “reading”, being read to, climbing up on things and trying to get on the couch, Curious George books and cartoon, being outside and running around, hiding in Grandma’s cabinets.

Dislikes: Not enough sleep, being off his schedule, not getting his way or not paying enough attention to him


Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6:30 and we went back to two naps a day after a rough two weeks of .  His nap tends to be 2 hours.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks. He is not a fan of meat like chicken but he still loves avocados, eggs, yogurt and fruits

Clothes:  24 Month pants and 24 and 2T shirts.  24 month shirts are becoming too small for his torso.



Coen: 17 Month Update

DSC_0733Coen’s 17 month Update

We had a rough week mid month where Coen had a bad respiratory cold.  Luckily my mom had the week off and was able to watch him.  He is very active now and keeps us on our toes.  He is definitely in need of a haircut soon.  What do you think?

Height:  31ish inches

Weight:  Almost 28lbs


New This Month:

  •  Molar that broke through
  • Saying Hi when he puts cell phone to ear
  • Saying ” I you” aka I love you
  • Jogging
  • Grabbing his things that we ask for like “Where’s your Brown Bear book?”
  • Being chased up and down the hallway again and again and again….

Likes:  Sitting quietly and “reading”, being read to, eating whatever we are eating, hanging out on the couch, Curious George books and cartoon, cuddling with his big brother Duncan


Dislikes: Not getting enough attention, being off his schedule, not getting his way, too long in his car seat, being sick, green beans but I give them to him anyway!


Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and as of last Sunday now down to one nap at about 12:30/1.  His nap tends to be 2 hours.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  I just used the last bag of breast milk this week.  He still loves avocados, blueberries, cheese and yogurt.

Clothes:  18 Month pants and 24 month shirts.  Sleeves are a bit too long but 18 months don’t cover the belly!


Coen: 16 Month Update


Coen’s 16 month Update

Height:  30.5 inches

Weight:  Almost 27lbs

New This Month:

  •  Crawling up the stairs
  • 2 New Teeth
  • Sitting quietly and “reading”
  • Continuously handing us his books to read to him

Likes:  Chocolate brownie cookie that daddy gave him a piece of, being chased, the snow, our dog Duncan, reading or being read to, Curious George, jumping in my closet and hiding, getting into the cabinets

Dislikes: Being overtired, being told “No”, not getting enough attention, being off his schedule, not getting his way, being in high chair too long




Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and still napping at about 9:30/10 and 2:30/3.  A few times during the week he will skip a nap usually his second.  I just don’t feel he is quite ready to drop to one nap yet because when he skips his morning nap he is super tired.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  We are offering milk in the morning, at some of his meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.  We are still using up the frozen breast milk along with regular cow’s milk.  He has a wide variety of food and his favorites are still blueberries and avocados.

Clothes:  18 Month clothes are getting  very tight and most of his bodysuits have shrunk so much he looks like he is wearing a v neck.  I have been meaning to go out and buy some shirts in 24 month or 2T.  He still has little feet and is in size 5 shoes.


Coen: 15 Month Update

A super late update as Coen will be 16 months next week!  I have also been bad with taking pictures hence the not-so-great pics.

Coen’s 15 month Update

Little guy is now walking full time.  Over the past month he has enjoyed his second Christmas and spending time with family and friends.

Height:  30.5 inches

Weight:  a little over 26lbs


New This Month:

  • No new teeth but seems like he is working on getting some
  • Says “ACHOO”  when we ask “what does Sneezy say?”


Likes: Eating! Walking, talking, playing and terrorizing the dog, giving hugs, stacking, playing with blocks,

Dislikes: Car rides, diaper/outfit changes by Mommy, being tired



Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and still napping at about 9:30/10 and 2:30/3.  A few times during the week he will skip a nap usually his second.  I just don’t feel he is quite ready to drop to one nap yet.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  We are offering milk in the morning, at some of his meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.  We are still using up the frozen breast milk along with regular cow’s milk.  He has a wide variety of food and his favorites are still blueberries and avocados.

Clothes:  18-24 Month clothes, size 5 shoes


Coen: 14 Month Update

Coen’s 14 month Update

Little guy has really taken off with walking this month.  He is definitely crawling more than walking still but he is so proud of himself when he walks.  He is smiling from ear to ear!  He does the little Frankenstein walk with his hands out.  I would say he is about 50/50 with walking/crawling and every day he does more and more.

Height:  30ish inches

Weight:  25ish lbs

New This Month:

  • Walking – a lot!
  • Stacking and playing with blocks
  • Climbing – he tries to get onto everything
  • Stranger Danger- he has started to become scared of new people and places.
  • Saying Ma!

Likes: Walking, talking, throwing food on the floor, having tantrums, giving hugs, stacking, playing with blocks, playing “Where’s Coen?”  this is where he hides behind me aka peekaboo.

Dislikes: Car rides, diaper/outfit changes, food that he normally liked.


Sleep:  He is sleeping 7:30 to 6/6:30 and taking two naps a day at daycare and occasionally two with us.  He will skip either his first or second nap when he is with us but I don’t feel he is ready to drop to one nap yet.  He is napping about 9:30 and 2:30/3.

Eating:  He has 3 meals a day and 3 snacks.  We are offering milk in the morning, at meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.  I am using up the last of the frozen breast milk.  He has a wide variety of food and his favorites are still blueberries and avocados.


Clothes:  He is still in 18 Month clothing but I will probably break out the 24 month stuff.  His legs are still 12 or 18 month in length but his torso fits better in 18 or 24 months.  We have the hardest time getting sleepers over his thighs!  He still wears mostly bodysuits since he is still crawling a lot.  We are also having the hardest time finding shoes because his feet are short and fat.  We have some size 5 wides but the are too big in length so it is difficult for him to walk.


Coen: 13 Month Update

DSC_0136Coen’s 13 month Update

Although Coen is already 13.5 months, I figured I would finally post this…..I was debating whether to do a 13 month or wait until 18 month but I want to remember every month for two reasons: To compare if we have another baby and so I can look back on it as my memories fade.  This little guy has had quite a busy month.  He has gotten 3 new teeth and is working on walking.  He will walk on his own a good 4-5 feet before plopping down.  I think this next month he will start walking more and more. Pics are lacking this month! I really need to step it up and take some more.

Height:  30 inches

Weight:  25ish lbs



Likes: Cruising, crawling, babbling, food, walking with his truck, making fart noises, throwing food on the floor, giving hugs, imitating what we do.

Dislikes: Car rides, diaper/outfit changes, peas.

Sleep:  Since we dropped the morning nursing he had some rough patches of waking at 5-5:30 and not falling back to sleep.  He still has two naps at about 9am and 2pm and sleeps from 7:30 to until 6:30 for the first time ever.  We actually now have to wake him up!!!

Eating:  The day he turned a year we dropped the morning feed and at 12.5 months we dropped the last nursing session.  He has 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks now.  We are offering milk (breast milk mostly) in the morning, at meals and a half hour before bed with a little snack.


Diapers:  We are on to size 4s.  I have no clue how many we have gone through!

Clothes:  He is in 18 Month clothing!

Coen’s Pumpkin First Birthday Party

Coen’s First Birthday

We celebrated Coen’s first birthday on Sunday.  I went with a pumpkin/fall theme because I love this time of year.  Everything came out great.  Coen loved all the attention and of course the cake.




I used this pumpkin picture for the invites and created a chalkboard first birthday sign and printed it at Staples.  Originally I was going to have my mom create one because my handwriting looks like chicken scratches but I actually had fun making this on the computer.



I made a photo banner and my mom and sister made apple cupcakes with a cinnamon frosting.


The little guy and I both wore plaid shirts!  I got his in orange so he would match the theme.


I made him an organic apple pumpkin smash cake with a limited amount of sugar with a pumpkin cream cheese frosting that had a little more sugar than I would like but hey it was his birthday.




He was his goofy self despite having a cold, teething and still adjusting to weaning and the drop of all bottles.



It was stressful and a lot of work  but it was all worth it!

One Down and One to Go


One Down and One to Go…..I have dropped the morning nursing session.  This was usually around 5:30am and Coen would sometimes go back to bed for 30-60 min after.  The day I dropped it he slept straight until 6:15 so I decided it would be a good chance to do it.  He did great! I offered him water and then he played for a bit and then he ate breakfast.  The second day he slept a little later again and seemed to go with it.  The third morning (a Monday) he was a screaming mess at 5:30 and my husband went in to offer some water.  He drank a little, settled down but then started fussing again.  He was cranky the entire morning until I brought him to daycare.  He has been extra clingy and huggy with me.  I feel awful.  I am not sure if it is the drop of our morning session, the change in schedule, a cold, the upper teeth that seem to never come or his constipation/belly issues but it’s so hard to see him like this.  I know with any transition time will only help.  I am going to give it some time before we drop the dreaded nighttime session.  Last week for the first time in forever he actually fell asleep while I nursed him before bed.  Something I will always miss…….



Coen: 12 Month Update

Coen’s 12 month Update

One year… did this happen?  Baby boy has grown so much and is such a little man with his own personality.  I am so proud to be his mother.

Height:  Almost 30 inches

Weight:  24 lbs and 4 oz

Likes: Cruising, crawling, babbling, food, pulling himself up, walking with toy walker, clapping, waving and imitating what we do.

Dislikes: Car rides, diaper/outfit changes and taking his 12 month pics!  My husband had to hold him down to get them.



Sleep:  He has the same schedule as 11 months. He has two naps at about 9 and 2pm and sleeps from 7:30 to until 5-6:30.  Dropping the morning nursing has created an early riser but I hope he will go back to the norm once he adjusts.

Eating:   I started weaning at 11 months.  I dropped to feeding him 4 times a day and slowly started dropping my pumps at work.  A day before he turned a year I dropped down to nursing once a day.  The bedtime nursing will be the last to go and most likely the hardest on him (and me).  He has 3 meals a day and two snacks now.  We are offering milk (breast milk mostly) in the morning and once during the day.


Diapers:  We are on to size 4s.  We went through 190ish diapers this month.  I totally lost track of this! We did make it a whole year without buying diapers though.  I stocked up like crazy when pregnant and got a ton at my shower.

Clothes:  He is in 18 Month clothing!

Coen: 11 Month Update


Coen’s 11 month Update

Is it possible it has almost been a year?  Soon after turning 10 months Coen really started crawling.  Once he started getting good at crawling, he started working on pulling up on everything and then cruising the furniture.

Height: 28ish inches

Weight:  Over 23 lbs maybe


Likes: Standing(assisted), dancing, giving high 5s, clapping, smiling, finger foods, Duncan , getting into any and everything and waving.

Dislikes: Car rides and diaper changes…..he also cries a lot when I enter a room.  I am not sure what is up with it but he has been doing it for awhile now.  It’s like he realizes he missed me so when he sees me he just wants to be with me…or so I like to believe.




Sleep: He is sleeping about the same anywhere from 7:30/8 to 6-6:30 with a waking/feeding at around 5:30.  He has started to wake around 3:30/4 crying and fussing but puts him self back to sleep.  I am not sure if it is tummy troubles, teeth or what.  He is napping better for us.  We get at least one longer nap in morning and the afternoon one could go either way.

Eating:   I am still breastfeeding/pumping and he eats anywhere from 3-5 hours.  No change in bottles and still having solids 3 times a day.  We introduced wheat bread, yolks, cottage cheese this month.   He still has a sensitive stomach and we seem to always struggle with constipation.





Diapers:  We are on to size 4s.  We went through  194ish diapers this month.

Clothes:  He is in 9-12 Month clothing but sleepers are always tight on his thighs!