Stop Being Scared to Go ALL IN to Get Your Periods Back

This one is for you. The one that is lurking or slowly making changes and afraid to GO ALL In to get your periods back. If you are scared to recover and keep coming up with all the reasons why you can’t go ALL IN yet read on or watch my video. Below are some major roadblocks to taking the leap and committing to recovery.

Reason #1 : You don’t want to admit you have HA.

This is the person who has gone to the doctor or knows that deep down inside there is some underlying reason that you don’t have a period. IT could be that you have had recent weight loss, you are extremely stressed out or that you have been chronically dieting and overexercising. You may even be at a healthy BMI so you think that you can’t have HA or that you don’t fit the stereo typical women but deep down you know that most likely you have it.

I have been there. I kept waiting for it to come back that I couldn’t have this. I recall reading stories of other women and I told myself that I wasn’t a runner so there is no way I could have HA. I made small changes in hopes that I would recover but it didn’t work for me. I allowed myself to gain a few pounds but still nothing.

Reason #2 You are afraid to lose control.

It feels good to be in control of your food, calories and exercise. You are mistaking being in control but the fact is that maybe your habits are actually controlling you. You have to exercise almost every day, you have anxiety if you have to take a rest day or maybe you are one to freak out because you have a family event where you know that there is going to be food you consider bad or off your plan. You are afraid by starting recovery that you will lose that control. What if you can’t do what you love anymore? Lifting, running, HIIT training are all amazing types of exercise but not when you’re not getting a period. You may have heard that you need to gain weight or stop exercising and that scares the shit out of you.
First of all, not being in control is scary. If you are someone who likes numbers, tracking calories or your weight it is it can be scary to let it all go. If have been dieting your entire life and doing things to get to certain size or maintain your current weight it can be difficult to break this. You also don’t know how long it will take, what you have to do, how much you will have to gain, if you will have to make massive changes and what others will think of you.

Reason #3 You’re afraid of the changes.

Another reason you haven’t decided to take the plunge and start recovery is because you are afraid of change. Change is scary. You like your body. You are comfortable at your weight or you are at least OK with it but if you were to gain weight it would probably send you for a loop. This lifestyle is all you know. Trying to look a certain way is all you have known. Dieting is something you have done for years. Lifting or running is all you pastime. It’s now a habit. Well if this is you then ask yourself is it worth it? Is osteoporosis worth it? Feeling rundown and obsessive worth it? Is having foods you are scared to be around and being soo strict with every little thing you do worth it? What about the link with Alzheimer’s? Or what about the baby you have dreamed of?

Reason #4 You love your current lifestyle.

You love exercise and can’t picture your life without it. You may feel like it’s a way for you to relieve stress. What would you even do with yourself? OR it’s part of your job and maybe change means that your passions are taken away or your way of earning money. Starting recovery directly affects your identity. If you stop exercising or gain weight what are other people going to think?

Remember this is just a season of your life. IT doesn’t have to last forever. You can recover and get back to where you were in regards to exercise within reason. After recovery you can find balance and after you start listening to your body your body will gift you with the ability to exercise and maintain cycles. You can stop being the slave to food and exercise and start living your life again without that awful guilty feeling in your stomach.

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